I cannot count how many times our team has designed and presented projects from our knowledge, capabilities, and passion to get our projects done right the first time. 100% of our business is from repeat or referral clients-a testament to our business values, construction standards and safety practices.
Even by being an American Brand Company, we have gained worldwide knowledge with no limits to the projects we can deliver for our clients.
There is no substitute for experience and always thinking to stay ahead of our potential liabilities. Our team is focused and will be honest with our capabilities always. We have designed hundreds of buildings and I can send you several buildings we have designed and built all over this country just in the last 10 years. Internationally the last 20 years have been large buildings and all government projects with DOD, Army Corps and State Department. At this time, I will present most current projects and a few you have interest in including Fire Department Building
Company Profile
Apex Energy USA is company built upon decades of cumulative expertise in the metal building industry and was founded to assist impoverished and/or war torn nations such as Afghanistan rebuild homes and businesses in a cost effective and energy efficient manner. Apex USA is extremely confident in our ability to perform in a timely manner and with professional service for all of its projects.
Expatriate personnel represent all senior level management. All engineering, construction, logistics, and maintenance under the APEX umbrella are managed with expatriate’s oversight. The Project Managers and partners have over 40 years combined experience with 17 years working DOD, LOGCAP, or AFCEE projects in the Balkans, Kuwait, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Our foundation experience was obtained in the United States though continued partnership with OLYMPIA Steel Buildings based in the Pittsburgh, PA area. OLYMPIA and its manufacturing facility is a leader in domestic preengineered steel building systems.
Our departments include structural design, architectural, civil, raw materials, construction, components and engineering departments that work hand in hand since 2001. The strength comes from our integrity and experience pertaining to the concept of manufacturing locally and saving substantial shipping and security costs while meeting time frames quickly

Executive Summary
The global economic challenges of the new millennium require a strategic global approach to solving the needs of the less fortunate in our country,
our world and many of the countries therein. People that aren’t able to find work may not have the means to acquire the necessities of life or find attainable shelter. In this combination they become the working poor and in the Country of Afghanistan modern society and conveniences do not exist for a large
percentage of population.
Apex Energy USA and local Afghan partners would like to aggressively implement its strategic economic direction and organization for community economic development utilizing “Green” Building Systems by building and running a steel frame manufacturing plant to produce quality steel frame structures locally thereby saving enormous time and shipping costs.
Apex and “Green” Building Systems has positioned itself to revolutionize the housing industry and are pleased to assist your organization. Our group on a joint collaborative basis is proposing to provide a housing program that will provide temporary and permanent housing, schools, hospitals and other structures within the Country of Afghanistan.
We propose the establishment of a steel frame manufacturing plant to provide disaster resistant, energy efficient structures to the US Armed Forces, NGO’s, Government Aid agencies, local builders and to equip the country of Afghanistan with the capacity, over a short period time, to meet its own state of the art housing and other construction needs.

Benefits of Proposed in Country Manufacturing
This proposal package of building technologies for “in-country manufacturing” offers a wide range of advantages. Just as construction helps drive the economies of developed countries, so it can be a driving force for the Country of Afghanistan. Our proposed manufacturing complex can be an engine to drive economic recovery for the country making it qualify for many aid projects funded by foreign Aid agencies and the US-Government. A project involving a mid-sized manufacturing plant (capable of producing as many as 750 units of 100 m2 (1200sqf) homes a year with one production line) will stimulate long-term sustainable economic activity and have other far-reaching benefits by:
- Reducing manufacturing expenditures by employing local Afghan People and saving enormously on shipping, security and liabilities
- Fast production within factory and in-house quality control
- Easy finishing on flat interior and exterior surfaces
- Easy training of production and erection crews
- “Green” technology will show a product that will outperform an insulated wall product.
- Steel homes are durable, inexpensive, and versatile. They have survived numerous blizzards, hurricanes and earthquakes and are a proven construction option.

Project Management
An affiliate company of Apex USA, Olympia Steel Buildings is a reputable manufacturer of prefabricated steel buildings and structural design providing a better approach and a cost-effective alternative to traditional design-bid and design-build construction in the USA. Whether the need is for residential housing development, commercial, office, or warehouse construction, Apex has the experienced staff to turnkey the project from Concept to Start-up.
The Concept: We assist the client with concept development, site evaluation, relative costs and project schedules. We prepare capital and operating budgets, return on investment analysis, procurement strategies, and implementation. After all options are analyzed, the total construction program is presented.
Planning Is The Key: We work closely with the owner and the engineer to develop realistic design, procurement and construction dates. We determine capabilities of contractors and the status of local labor so that the client is informed of all possibilities, right from the start. Nothing is left to chance.
Fast Tracking Quickens The Pace: We know that time is money, and have developed a fast-tract approach to ensure the project will be on time and within budget. We direct and coordinate the critical interface between the design and construction activities for the owner. We handle bid evaluation, discount and delivery negotiations, payment terms, and recommend purchase to the jobsite. We coordinate all details between the client, engineer, suppliers and subcontractor.
Controlling Costs: From design through award phases, we provide cost estimates and professional evaluation. All money committed to project is scrutinized. Our “Green” professionals ensure the financial success of the project with good, sound management techniques.
Control in the Field: Our staff coordinates the activities of on-site personnel. Contract administration, inspection, safety monitoring and labor relations functions are carried out efficiently by our experienced professionals. We continually provide Progress Reports comparing planned with actual performance.
The Start-Up: Our total effort during the project is committed to a successful “Start-Up” on time and within budget. At Apex USA we do more than what is required. We make the project happen.
The Apex Team

After school, I worked with my father in his company and also developed a side career as a professional pool player. I ended up moving to Las Vegas, where I played professionally for 4 years. I then moved to Colorado in 2000 after my father died and met my wife the same year; we have been together ever since. We were married on a Caribbean cruise in October of 2003 and were fortunate enough to have all of our family and close personal friends attend. The second best day of my life was the day my daughter was born, on October 13, 2003; she’s a breath of sunshine in my life. I started working in the Steel Building industry in 2001 and have since found my niche in the import and export business. I believe that my father has been looking over me these past 7 years and know that I am very fortunate in my personal and professional endeavors.